MHD Control Workshop 2002

Columbia University
New York, NY 10027 USA

November 18-20, 2002

A workshop was held on "Active Control of MHD Stability: Extension of Performance" following the 2002 APS-DPP Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. This workshop is the 7th in the series and was organized jointly by Columbia University, General Atomics, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin and under the auspices of the US/Japan Collaboration.

Theme: Presentation of recent results and future plans on the use active control of MHD modes to extend the plasma performance of toroidal confinement devices. This includes the active control of both internal and external MHD modes using plasma rotation, rotation shear, feedback control, or profile control.

Program Committee: Gerald Navratil (Columbia University), Rob La Haye (General Atomics), Michio Okabayashi (PPPL), Takahisa Ozeki (JAERI), John Sarff (Univ. Wisconsin), and Kozo Yamazaki (NIFS).

Previous workshops in this series include: