
    Thomas Sunn Pedersen

    Allen Boozer



Wayne Reiersen, PPPL
Fred Dahlgren, PPPL
Neil Pomphrey, PPPL
Harry Mynick, PPPL
Bill Dorland, U. Maryland
Haruhiko Himura, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Bernhard Seiwald, Technical University of Graz, Austria

Postdoctoral Researchers:

Dr. Jack Berkery

Recent Graduates:

Dr. Jason P. Kremer

Dr. Remi G. Lefrancois

Dr. Quinn R. Marksteiner

Dr. Michael S. Hahn

Graduate Students:

Paul Brenner

Benoit Durand de Gevigney

Xabier Sarasola Martin

Undergraduate Students:

We currently have four undergraduate students working in our lab. In the past, we have had students receiving a salary through the federal Work-Study Program, others have received academic credit through the URIP program, and we have also had paid openings for students through the NSF REU program. These are filled on a competitive basis.


Picture of the Summer 2007 crew